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The Start of the Soccer Season
By Corinne Wilson Last year, the Women’s varsity soccer team played in Division 1 against some of the best teams in San Diego. Despite...
A Girl’s Dream Come to Life
by Kayla Rodrigues It is no stretch when it is said that one doll has utterly dominated the toy world amongst young girls ever since it...
What Will Become of Our Campus
By: Maggie Meehan As most of you have probably noticed, the Point Loma High School campus is currently under construction. Many of you...
If Reindeers Are Better Than People, Is Frozen 2 Better Than It's Former?
By Caroline Renas 📷 Frozen, the beloved movie that has made people everywhere dress up in glittery-blue dresses, braid their hair and...
Girls Field Hockey
by Reese Sieger Early November marked the end of an era for field hockey when the season ended. On November 4th, Varsity played against...
Boys Varsity Soccer
By Caitlin Wilson The Point Loma Boys Varsity Soccer Team had a decent regular season last year (2018-2019) finishing 3rd in City-Western...
The Basics
What are They Judging? Essays (so start drafting ideas summer before senior year--tell YOUR story--not for CSUs) Glowing Letters of...
Essay Prompts
WHO ARE YOU? in 650 words. Don’t do this all in one sitting! Take breaks, think about it. -------------- Part A ----------------...
(from the Aaron Price Fellows Program):📷📷
Rocking Your College Interview
By Becca Karpinski Here are a few tips, tools and insights to help you succeed in a college interview. What are interviewers looking for?...
Girl’s Field Hockey
by Reese Sieger It was a tense game for the Point Loma Varsity’s field hockey team. Playing away against Madison High School on October...