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Dear K&S,
How do I get through high school?
Dear Struggling,
High School is a period in your life when you must battle the boredom of academics and start the process of finding yourself as an individual.
One thing to do is choose your classes wisely. Gauge how stressed you are this year and prepare for next year accordingly. If you’re currently feeling overwhelmed in your classes, try talking to a counselor or a friend.The public library even has online homework help.
Finding a good way to de-stress is important in order to perform at your best. Here is an article about how to manage stress written by the New York Times. Exercise and eating healthy can also help keep you at your best. Study groups can be fun while also getting the job done. I wish you the best of luck.
Dear K&S,
How will I know if someone likes me?
Dear Curious,
If they are always kind to you and pay attention to what you say they probably like you. Compliments on the regular are also a good way to tell if someone has a crush on you. Smiles are also a telling sign. Do they smile a lot? Is it just at you? What about physical contact? Do you brush up against each other a lot?
Also know, that there is no foolproof way to tell if someone likes you. Most of us never know until we ask.
Dear K&S,
I'm a sophomore and PSAT scores just came back. My score was lower than I hoped. Is it really hard to get scores up? I know the SAT is still far off, but I'm worried I won't get into a good school if my SAT isn't much better than my PSAT. Is there any hope?
Dear LowScoreSophomore,
Don't fret, low test scores don't have to be the end of your college dreams. Most universities take a wide variety of factors into consideration, such as extracurriculars, GPA, and leadership roles. This is so that a weakness in one area doesn't outshine strength.
However, you should try to increase your score for your junior PSAT. Scoring well on that exam can earn you some scholarship money and scholarly recognition, in addition to being great practice for the SAT.
The most effective way of getting high scores is to practice. There are many practice books out there available for purchase, but you don’t have to spend money. Public libraries have books you can borrow, and plenty of upperclassmen still have books that they'd be happy to pass on. Or you can skip the books altogether. Khan Academy has a wide array of full-length practice tests that you can take online for free.
Good luck and study hard!