by Keona Evans
To start the 2023 season, the Point Loma Pointers football team were dominant on the football field. With that being said, the spotlight should shine on one game in particular: the Homecoming Game. This came as Point Loma played against their rival, the La Jolla Vikings, a rivalry that has brewed over years and decades of competitiveness.

This story was communicated by Point Loma graduate and current football assistant coach Roger Evans. Coach Evans participated as a player in the rivalry between the Pointers and Vikings, and has coached at Point Loma for a total of 13 years. Even before Coach Evans’ time with Point Loma, “the rivalry has lasted off and on since 1926,” with the teams playing an estimated total of 99 games, with the record being 76-23 in favor of Point Loma.

The rivalry between the two teams is symbolized by the passing of a golden boot after each game, which serves as a trophy for whichever team bests the other. The game took place with what seemed to be the entire Point Loma community cheering in the stands. This served as motivation for players, as nothing seemed capable of preventing the Pointers from their goal: to win. This led to a Pointer victory, with a final score of 49-0. For the players, winning the game and getting the golden boot was “ an obligation for the entire team,” according to varsity starter Nathan Terzoli. “We had to handle business.”
Pointers’ determination and heart led Point Loma to their domination against their longtime rivals, and is sure to continue with future wins throughout the rest of their season.