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Advice Column for October

Updated: Oct 30, 2018

Dear K&S

I’ve been having trouble with my self-esteem lately. I never feel as confident as I used to. What can I do to improve my self-regard?



Dear Esteem-less,

Self-esteem is something everyone struggles with because human nature encourages us to concentrate on our flaws and brush aside our positive attributes. We also tend to measure our self-worth on those around us. Avoid this! After all, as Theodore Roosevelt said, “Comparison is the thief of joy.”

If you constantly tell yourself that you are good enough (which you are!) your mindset will change. Wearing clothing that makes you feel good can also help increase confidence. Be yourself!

Remember that in high school, everyone wants to fit in and “have friends” and “be cool”, but know that as time goes on, your differences are what make you shine.




Dear K&S,

I came from a small middle school and I want to branch out. How can I make new friends at Point Loma High?



Dear Cloistered,

Making new friends can be challenging, but it is possible! I would encourage you to start up a conversation with someone near you in class. Be bold and say “Hi”.

Another way to start a conversation is to compliment someone based on a common feature or passion. This makes the other person feel more comfortable and helps make the initial exchange less awkward and intimidating.

Being in group projects can definitely help with getting to know others. Working outside of school with your group can be a lot of fun, too. Good luck!




Dear K&S,

Hi, I’m a Freshman and I want to feel like I’m a part of something. My older cousin said the best thing to do is a sport. What sports should I try?



Dear Freshie,

Anyone can try out for sports! As a freshman, you have the advantage of being able to try the diverse range of sports Point Loma has to offer. Clara Page, a senior, says, ”Try out for field hockey. I’ve made some of my best friends through field hockey. It’s a fall sport so you meet new people before school gets up and running.” The cross country team also has great team spirit! Try looking at the options on the Athletics page of the schools website to see what sports you might be interested in here. As an added bonus, if you choose to do two sports, you don’t have to take P.E.




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